Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Teach The Bible To Change Lives - Exclusive Tip!

By using the amazing resource Teach The Bible To Change Lives, I have gone from a mediocre Bible study teacher to one that really inspires my students. I am, by no means, a Bible expert, but I’ve been able to focus my love of the Bible into creating an effective and fun study of the Word. Let me share with you one of my best tips for teaching the Bible that won’t take up a lot of your time and is easy to implement.

It’s All Greek To Me

Unless you’ve studied Greek or Hebrew extensively, try and avoid using it too much. Try not to attach your major points to it and realize that sometimes commentaries use it incorrectly! Unless you’ve got a Greek or Hebrew scholar at your disposal, it’s best to use it sparingly.

Now that you’ve got an idea about what makes for a great Bible study, it’s time to make it even better. With a great Bible teaching tool in your arsenal, you’ll become a more effective leader.

Learn more about improving your Bible study lessons by visiting Teach The Bible To Change Lives.